
Finger-pointing over the Plame leak


Re “Top Aides Reportedly Set Sights on Wilson,” July 18

So now we know that the other source in the Valerie Plame leak is I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff. It is inconceivable to me that the actions of Karl Rove and Libby did not at least have the tacit approval of President Bush and Cheney.

Bill Gamble

North Hollywood


Perhaps, when members of the left tire of their manufactured “Rove rage” and tinfoil-hat conspiracies about Rove, they can spare an ounce of outrage for the evil that was done to American civilian hostage Nick Berg? Or for the death and destruction wrought by suicide bombers? Or for the reason the Gitmo prisoners are incarcerated? It becomes increasingly obvious that the right’s hatred for terrorists is exceeded only by the left’s hatred for our current administration.

Pete Lewis

Trabuco Canyon


If the Rove/Republican National Committee talking points regarding Rove’s involvement in the leaking of the identity of a CIA operative are true, why didn’t he just provide his current story two years ago?


Instead, he lied about having any involvement, hung his teammate Scott McClellan out to dry and allowed two journalists to swing in the wind (one now in jail). If this is such a non-story, then why all of that? I’m sure that there is much more to this investigation than the public is aware of, but Rove could have defused a big part of it right from the get-go were he really so innocent.

Nola Wood

Laguna Niguel
