
CNN chooses Bob Costas to be Larry King’s sub


Veteran sportscaster Bob Costas will become a regular substitute host for Larry King, conducting prime-time interviews about 20 times a year, according to CNN.

While King, 71, is CNN’s most popular personality, he regularly loses viewers to “Hannity & Colmes” on News Corp.’s Fox News Channel.

But CNN/U.S. President Jonathan Klein said he is not considering Costas as an eventual successor to King. “I’ve been drawn to his intelligence and quick wit and his ability to talk knowledgeably about just about anything,” Klein said. “Those are skills that are going to serve him well sitting behind Larry’s mike from time to time.


“Larry King is far and away the superstar of CNN, and if you list any of the areas we need to address at CNN, 9 o’clock Sunday through Thursday is not on the list.”

Costas, 53, has been a studio host for the Olympics and has covered the World Series, Super Bowl and NBA during 25 years at NBC Sports. He will continue to host “Costas Now,” a monthly sports magazine program on HBO, and to co-host HBO’s “Inside the NFL,” a weekly football show during the NFL season.

Associated Press
