
Cattle Grazing Study Tramples on the Truth


Re “Land Study on Grazing Denounced,” June 18: Bureau of Land Management hacks rewrite text that is based on scientific fact and we are to believe that having cattle overgraze on fragile Western ecosystems is good for the environment. Public comment is no longer required. The cattle industry now has virtually total control over 160 million acres of public land, and the public can do nothing about it. The Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act have been set aside. The policy flies in the face of all known science, environmental principles and the law of the land.

Manufacturing the truth has been a hallmark of the Bush administration. An idle electorate continues to look the other way. Republicans control everything, so there’s no one to initiate an investigation or hold hearings on BLM practices. Without checks and balances, the administration can continue its deceitful ways.

Mitch O’Farrell

Glassell Park
