
Sympathy and Scorn for Jewish Settlers in Gaza


Re “Jews in Gaza Settle In for a Fight,” March 7: Reading about the plight of the Jewish settlers in the Gaza Strip, I could not help but feel sympathy for the situation: ordered by their own government to leave their homes so the Palestinians can reclaim the land that they lost during the many wars that they themselves initiated and waged against the Israelis. I realize the practicality of the dictate. The cost to defend 8,000 Israelis scattered amid 1.3 million Palestinians is too high; and, besides, world politics -- right or wrong -- seems to demand the move.

But I could not but wonder: Whatever became of the principle that says: “In war, to the victor go the spoils.” Is that rule no longer operative?

George Epstein

Los Angeles

Rachel Saperstein’s comment that if the good Lord had wanted the settlers out of Gaza, he would’ve killed enough of them to make them pack up and leave, is stupid. Since it is the Israeli army that helps to enforce Saperstein’s “God’s will,” perhaps a more accurate comment is that God helps those who help themselves. Saperstein’s opinion can easily be put to the test. If the settlers refuse to vacate Gaza, let the Israeli army leave without forcing them to do so. Saperstein may learn that the Palestinians are quite willing to provide the proof she needs that God wants her to move away. I doubt the Palestinians’ interpretation of God’s will includes financial compensation and deadlines for leaving at your own will.


Jack Berens

Alta Loma
