
AT&T; Says Loss Widens on Calling Card Fees

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From Bloomberg News

In a statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, AT&T; Corp. said its 2004 loss widened by 46 cents a share because of $553 million set aside for fees U.S. regulators ruled the company must pay.

The Federal Communications Commission ruled unanimously last month that AT&T; -- the largest U.S. long-distance phone company -- owed the fees on prepaid calling cards dating to 1999. The decision will be appealed, said the company, which is based in Bedminster, N.J.

Shares of AT&T;, which is being acquired by SBC Communications Inc., fell 4 cents to $19.35 on the NYSE.


From Bloomberg News

* Nextel Partners Inc., whose mobile telephones can be used as walkie-talkies, said it would restate financial results from 2000 to 2004 because of new accounting rules for lease transactions.

* John Muleta, chief of the wireless bureau at the Federal Communications Commission, plans to leave his post at the end of March for unspecified reasons.
