
Drivers Forget It’s a Theme Park, Not a Racetrack

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Steve Harvey can be reached at (800)LATimes, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A. 90012, and by e-mail at

Disneyland’s admission prices seem to increase almost monthly but Rob MacGregor points out that the theme park has made one reduction -- in the speed limit in parking areas.

The odd 14 mph limit, mentioned in this space the other day, used to be 15 mph.

“The parking lot tram folks would remind guests (of the speed limit), and would say, ‘Fifteen, f-i-f-t-e-e-n, one-five,’ ” MacGregor recalled.

“They’d explain that they were being so precise because guests would occasionally break the speed limit big time and then tell security that they had heard a tram driver say that the speed limit was 50 mph.


“Scuttlebutt had it that the change to 14 mph was designed to combat the 15-50 confusion. But I wonder: Isn’t there 14-40 confusion?”

Unclear on the concept: Dave Onusic of Long Beach noticed a restaurant trying to capitalize on a current college sports competition -- apparently unaware that it’s a basketball tournament (see accompanying).

Word imperfect: One driving instruction teacher in Hawaii could use a bit of help from a spelling teacher, Jim Staes pointed out (see photo).


Choices, choices: I leave it up to your conscience which destination to take should you arrive at the crossroads Barbara Seranella spotted in Carmel Valley (see photo).

Escapist music: After a new survey showed that a third of the inhabitants of L.A. County hope to move away, I wrote that a new theme song is needed to replace “I Love L.A.” And you readers responded as you always do in a time of need:

* Susan Hathaway submitted Neil Young’s “Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere.”

* Lee Harris came up with “Hey Mister That’s Me Up on the Jukebox,” by Linda Ronstadt (“Southern California/That’s as blue as a girl can be”).


* And Don Hosek thought of Chicago’s “Take Me Back to Chicago” (“L.A. was just a bit too hard”). Of course -- what would you expect a band called Chicago to say?

Guaranteed to happen: I can tell you why the sunny weather suddenly disappeared. It’s because workers began sanding the exterior of the Walt Disney Concert Hall to reduce what nearby residents called an unbearable glare on bright days. You just knew rainy skies would immediately follow. I bet you got a carwash this week, too, didn’t you?

miscelLAny: It isn’t only the real estate that’s expensive in Malibu.

KFWB-AM (980) said that on Friday a 76 station in that city was selling regular unleaded gas at a self-serve pump for $3.05 a gallon. No telling how much it’s going for today.
