
Open House a Tough Sell for Baseball

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The MLB Pledge of Allegiance:

“I pledge allegiance to the Major League Baseball Players Assn. and the millionaires for which it stands, one union under Donald Fehr, with steroids and long-term contracts for all.”

Jerry Mazenko

Garden Grove


I don’t know which was the bigger sham, Mark McGwire’s “I’m not here to discuss the past” or Barry Bonds’ “I’m not here.”

Michael Helwig

Canoga Park


“Say it ain’t so, Mark, say it ain’t so.”

Jim Wilson

Los Angeles


After watching all day Thursday, I have one question: When do the real steroid hearings, I mean the ones with Barry Bonds, start?


Bill Gable

Laguna Beach


The congressional steroid hearings were pointless, offensive and an embarrassment to the United States government.

The committee’s outright claim that players who took steroids are somehow responsible for mentally unstable teenagers who committed suicide is ludicrous and irresponsible. This is the equivalent of blaming Keith Richards for every alcohol-related death in the last 30 years.

The parents and relatives of every child have the responsibility to make sure their children know the dangers of any drug, be it steroids or caffeine.


Phil Wolfe



I find it odd that the government looks at steroids as such an enormous threat to our youth when alcohol continues to be one of the leading causes of death among teenagers in America.

If the government were really sincere about protecting our children, it would do much more to limit the promotion and distribution of alcoholic beverages at sporting events.

Christopher De Widt

West Hills
