
Teachers Union Leaders Have a Lot to Learn

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Re “Teachers Union’s Battle Plan,” Commentary, March 23: Having read the column of the new teachers union officers several times, I was disappointed to see a total omission of what they would do to improve the quality of teaching by dealing with “bad” teachers who are unable or unwilling to correct their incompetence. The union should not be a protective organization to ensure the well-being of its members only; it also has a duty to demand competence from its colleagues.

Gregory T. Parkos



The newly elected leadership of the teachers union lists as its priority “to lower class size.” How much smaller can class size get? When will the union stop using it as an excuse? Average class size in kindergarten to third grade is already less than 20 pupils per class. I attended schools where the size routinely approached 50. We learned. Our teachers and parents expected it. Perhaps the union should start thinking more about teacher performance.

Peg Manning

Los Angeles
