
Lining Up for and Against Schwarzenegger

Re “Gov. Praises ‘Minuteman’ Campaign,” April 29: Three cheers for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. He seems to be the only politician who will talk about the problem of illegal immigrants. He also seems to be the only politician that sees the drain on public services because of illegal immigrants. The illegals cannot vote, so why are all the politicians afraid of them?

James Tyner


So Schwarzenegger thinks the Minutemen have done a terrific job; he certainly has not done so as governor. He now sinks to a new low with his race-baiting tactics. The people Schwarzenegger persecutes are doing the jobs most won’t, and their sons and daughters are fighting and dying in a war against real terrorism.

Gilbert Sanchez

Santa Ana

It can be argued the election that put Gov. Schwarzenegger into office was partly due to his predecessor putting special interests above the good of the citizens. The governor’s remarks supporting the Minuteman Project attest to his independence from special-interest groups. Staying true to his beliefs regardless of the political consequences from special interests will get him my vote the next time around.


David Grigg

Oak Park

If Gov. Schwarzenegger is truly serious about stemming the flow of undocumented workers into the state, he should promote and vigorously enforce an initiative that would stiffly fine employers that hire the workers. However, I caution you to not hold your breath.

Robert Borrego

Santa Paula

It is easy to agree with virtually everything you said in your May 2 editorial, “Easy Target, Cheap Politics.” That our immigration system is dysfunctional is beyond dispute, and vigilantes are certainly not the answer.

What you did not say, however, is that it is largely dysfunctional by choice, not by coincidence. The choice was not made by rational discussion of the issue, however, but rather by the inexorable locking together of businesses that want cheap labor and politicians who want those same businesses to make large contributions to sustain them in office. It neglects average Americans entirely! We are often told that “Americans won’t do that job,” but never does a business or politician add the other half of that argument, namely, “at the meager wage that I am willing to pay.”


Gary Peters

Paso Robles

I think it is time that California closes it border with Austria. Those Austrians come here and take jobs away from others, get California driver’s licenses and drive fuel-inefficient cars, harass our women and then want to tell the rest of us how to run the state

Jeff Robbins

Los Angeles

This lifetime Democrat will vote for Gov. Schwarzenegger on the single issue of illegal immigration. I do not understand your apparent objection to controlling who enters and lives in our country. It is neither xenophobic nor racist to enforce legal means of gaining U.S. residency.

Sara Bronson

Rancho Santa Fe
