
And another flashback


Regarding “A Trick of the Eye or a Real Flash in the Sky” [May 10], it is possible to see the green flash in the morning. It requires a flat, sea-level horizon to the east. If one is careful, it’s possible to stare east at exactly the spot where the sun first peaks above the horizon.

To eliminate the luck factor, one can note on day one where, from a given viewing location, the sun first appears above the horizon. Then on day two, from the same viewing location, start staring at that same spot on the horizon, just before the sun rises. Since the sun is not yet up, you can stare all you want. Because of this, morning green flashes can make for better viewing.

Morning or evening, viewing through binoculars will help, but in the evening, don’t do this until the sun is partially below the horizon.


Ben Zuckerman

Professor, UCLA Dept. of

Physics and Astronomy
