
‘Compromises’ on the Coastal Commission


The Coastal Commission has made some very controversial pro-development decisions in Orange County over the last few years. And as your article pointed out (“Her Critics Wonder: Did the Coast Lose a Friend?” May 22), the voice of the local commissioner is given a lot of weight.

Toni Iseman of Laguna Beach came to the Coastal Commission with the backing of the environmental community, but her poor voting record has lost that support in two years.

Though it is true that leadership requires compromise, and there is always tremendous pressure to develop along the coast, it is equally true that there is a time to stand on principle and to demand more. Special interests determined to develop the coast and the lobbyists they employ have a proven, winning ability to miscast their agenda as one of compromise.


We need commissioners who fight for our (and future generation’s) coastal open space and public access, not commissioners who are too quick to “compromise” away what is left of our coast.

Steve Hommel

Long Beach
