
Reverend’s sermon was misinterpreted


Re “Jesus Christ, policy wonk,” Opinion, Nov. 13

The level of toxicity in the Catherine Seipp piece must not go unremarked. What she’s trying to do is transform a sane, humane stance -- a minister being opposed to the war -- into something equal parts vile and foolish. Should the Rev. George Regas have preached about a Jesus who actually rejoices in the tens of thousands of dead civilians, who delights in seeing the endless loop of men push-brooming pools of blood after another car-bombing? That all of this madness is based on an impeachable offense (knowingly lying to Congress) should have had every minister in the country raising his or her voice, not just those liberal Episcopalians who place their faith in God rather than Seipp’s beloved Caesar.


Los Angeles


Seipp mischaracterizes Regas’ sermon (he was neither “attacking Republicans” nor was it a “tirade” -- ask anyone who was there) and then trivializes the mischaracterization. After a week of fresh news about secret torture prisons, it is incomprehensible to me that anyone would mock a sermon that addressed the morality of our policies.


Face it, as citizens in a democracy, we are all complicit in the destruction wrought in our name. If more religious leaders had the guts to speak up, we might find ourselves able to transcend partisanship and demand an end to the misery on purely moral grounds.


