
Liver transplant program at UCI center


Re “Transplant Scandal Puts CEO on Leave,” Nov. 17

UC Irvine Chancellor Michael V. Drake has convened a group of eminent academicians to review the liver transplant situation at UCI Medical Center. I will await the committee’s findings before coming to decisions about the liver transplant situation, and so should The Times and its readers.

However, this community should know that Dr. Ralph Cygan, the medical center’s chief executive, is a consummate physician, a doctor’s doctor, and beloved by his patients. He has devoted his career to serving our community. In a county whose leaders’ support for the medical care of its residents has been begrudging at best, Cygan has worked for three decades to ensure access to outstanding medical care for all, regardless of socioeconomic status. We are a better, healthier community for his work and commitment. I fully support his return when the work of the committee is completed, and I believe that most of my colleagues feel the same.


UCI School of Medicine
