
The Miers pick: Bush’s friend on the court?


Re “Bush Selects Close Ally for Court,” Oct. 4

Harriet Miers has never been a judge. The president nominated her simply because she, like his lamentable choice for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is a devoted lackey. It’s time to say enough. Enough of Bush’s fools, followers and fanatics. Enough cronyism and constitutional contempt. We need a real, experienced, moderate judge for the Supreme Court -- or we need a filibuster.


Los Angeles


Once again the White House has shot itself in the foot! In treating the Miers nomination as he has all of his other appointments (by proclaiming their long history of loyalty to him), the president is setting up his new justice choice for future charges of conflict of interest. With Bush and his vice president assuring their far-right conservatives that they “know her and know how she is going to vote,” they are saying she will do whatever they want her to do.


Under the law, a judge cannot sit in a case that involves the “interest or concern” of a relative, past business associate or a close friend. Thus, Justice Miers would have to recuse herself from deciding any issue or matter initiated or supported by a client she has represented for over a decade. If she were to recognize and acknowledge that duty, even the most liberal Democrats would want her!


Los Angeles


Miers has not even judged a horse show, and now she’s a nominee for the highest court in the land? Is there no end to the hubris of Bush?


