
Forget the hybrids, what about the scofflaws?


Re “In Carpool Lanes, Hybrids Find Cold Shoulders,” April 10

One important issue was not addressed. No one is talking about the number of illegal cars in the carpool lanes. Every day I see many more illegal cars going in and out of the carpool lanes than I do hybrids. Do hybrids take space in the carpool lane? Absolutely. Do they take more space than the illegal cars? From my experience, no.


Simi Valley


The purpose of carpool lanes is to encourage people to share vehicles and, thus, have fewer on the road. Although I do not believe hybrid owners should be allowed to use the carpool lanes, I do support their opinions about the nasty behavior of carpool users. When I am home in Los Angeles, I often take advantage of the carpool lanes and try to follow the rules. I enter and exit only where it is permitted and generally, at the most, go 5 mph above the speed limit. Many drivers think that using the carpool lanes gives them the right to drive as fast and as dangerously as they want. They cut in and out of lanes at any time and tailgate a car until they are satisfied with its speed or have bullied it out of the lane. I can’t help but wonder if the CHP notices these insane drivers or if it ignores them because carpool users are granted special highway privileges of which I am unaware.



Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Re “Life in the slow lane,” editorial, April 11

I own a hybrid: not the Hollywood-preferred Toyota Prius but the more earthly looking Honda Civic model. I bought mine in 2004, when gas prices were still under $2 and Exxon Mobil had only $25 billion in profits. Even with a generous tax incentive, the Honda dealership then was full of hybrids. Today, there are waiting lists and four-figure markups. I enjoy driving solo in the diamond lane, but the single-driver exception is not needed. This phenomenon proves that the free market is the most effective agent of change.


