
Sequel as ‘Out’ there as first

Special to The Times

“Eating Out 2” is just as silly and tedious as the 2005 original. The first dealt with a straight guy pretending to be gay, and now, in a stunning burst of inspiration, the new film has a gay guy (Jim Verraros), a college student, pretending to be straight in his pursuit of a handsome veterinary major (Marco Dapper) who’s none too sure of his sexual orientation but perfectly at ease posing in the nude for art classes. “Eating Out 2” is sweet-natured, but like the first edition, lame and way too talky. John Waters’ longtime cohort Mink Stole provides some snap as Verraros’ earthy mother, and Dapper has plenty of charisma.

Unrated. Sex, nudity, language. Running time: 1 hour, 25 minutes. Exclusively at Laemmle’s Sunset 5, 8000 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood, (323) 848-3500; One Colorado, 42 Miller Alley (Union Street at Fair Oaks Avenue, inside plaza), Pasadena (626) 744-1224.
