
World views

Joel Pett is the Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist of the Lexington Herald-Leader. His work also appears in USA Today.

American cartoonists have been divided, not united, by the war in Iraq. But the naysayers (nay-drawers?) among us have been joined by a global coalition of the willing, eager to take up pens and mock, belittle, deride or otherwise display contempt for U.S. policy (or, to abet freedom-hating evildoers, depending on where you sit). From Jordan come monsters, inked. From Egypt, shoes filled, but no socks being pulled up. A Norwegian cartoonist sees only wrongheaded emptiness. From the Philippines comes a humbling depiction of a superpower learning to crawl before it can cut and run. Too late now, but these would have made great illustrations in the Baker-Hamilton report.
