
Disputed memoirist praises McInerney’s latest novel

From Associated Press

Jay McInerney’s new novel has a famous, perhaps infamous, admirer: James Frey.

In an “ Exclusive,” the author of the disputed “A Million Little Pieces,” calls McInerney’s “The Good Life” his best since the author’s sensational 1984 debut, “Bright Lights, Big City.” Frey cites McInerney as an influence and likens the novelist to F. Scott Fitzgerald as a gifted writer who has struggled to overcome “huge, almost overwhelming early success.”

Frey, of course, has his own, self-inflicted, burdens. After the Smoking Gun alleged numerous fabrications in his million-selling memoir of addiction, including a three-month jail term that apparently never happened, Frey acknowledged taking “liberties” with his story and is writing an author’s note for future editions.

McInerney, whose other books include “Story of My Life” and “Brightness Falls,” did not immediately return a call. Paul Bogaards, a spokesman for his publisher, Alfred A. Knopf, said, “We hope the 4 million readers who have bought ‘A Million Little Pieces’ and identify with it will appreciate Frey’s judgment.”


Kristin Mariani, an spokeswoman, said Monday that the review was posted in December, before the scandal broke. She called the review “another example of our ongoing efforts to offer customers new, exclusive content to enhance their shopping experience and help them make informed purchase decisions.”
