
Reporter Is Assaulted at School

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Times Staff Writer

A Los Angeles radio reporter was assaulted outside a charter school Thursday morning by a man driving a sedan who first tried to run him down and then stole his audiotape, police said.

The incident occurred after the reporter, Sandy Wells of KABC-AM (790) radio, had just finished interviewing parents, students and administrators of the Academia Semillas del Pueblo Charter School in El Sereno. The reporter’s radio station has reported that the school teaches separatist ethics and has no white, Asian or black students.

Police said Wells had just finished his interviews and was calling his radio station when he saw a car coming toward him.


Wells ran for his car, authorities said, but the car followed him. The driver got out of the silver sedan and assaulted Wells, police said, and tried to take his equipment but got only the tape.

“There were a number of witnesses to this assault,” Det. Charles Markel of the Hollenbeck Division said. “We’d like anyone who saw what happened to call us.”

The Los Angeles Unified School District said it was looking into the matter. KABC talk show host Doug McIntyre, who has been discussing the school on the air, has quoted the principal and founder, Marcos Aguilar, as making “racist “ statements.


Wells was unhurt.
