
Yearning for a time long ago


I enjoyed the Tell column [“For Many, ‘Bye’ Is the Hardest Word,” June 8, by Amy C. Balfour], and I was especially pleased to find out that I am not the only one to get damp-eyed at the end of “Cold Case.”

Perhaps it’s because the closing montage with the appropriately emotional music makes me examine the montage of my own life.

Maybe it’s because it makes me think back to a time that I would like to relive combining my youth of years gone by with the wisdom earned by several decades of life.


Wouldn’t you like to go back in time? Would you have behaved differently and made different choices?

As Balfour said, there is a touch of regret. Regret for things left unsaid and promises left unfulfilled.

I have only been in L.A. for four years, and to quote Neil Diamond (how dated is that?): “L.A.’s fine, but it’s not home.”


San Pedro
