
Bigotry exposed amid intellectual dishonesty


Re “The fascists of free speech,” Opinion, Feb. 25

I was amazed when Catherine Seipp referred to a “snotty San Francisco clerk” as a “suspected homosexual.”

What exactly is he suspected of doing, and how did Seipp determine he was a likely suspect? Because he lived in San Francisco and worked in a bookstore? Or perhaps because he was snotty?

Does she also quickly root out “suspected Jews and Muslims,” or “suspected communists,” like some right-wing bloodhound?


This ridiculous, stereotypical labeling continued as she claimed that she understood the Muslim world “all too well” -- not on the basis of extensive scholarly research and thought but on the anecdotal evidence of “helpful news photos” of placard-waving “shrouded women,” who, of course, certainly must represent the views of the more than 1.2 billion Muslims throughout the world. I wonder if she also could identify any “suspected homosexuals” in their ranks?

One thing we can say for sure is that Seipp is not a “suspected bigot,” because her diatribe removed all doubt.


Sherman Oaks


I find it rather disingenuous of Seipp to rail against the restrictive policies of a single bookstore when she is living in a country where merely criticizing the policies of elected public officials is routinely labeled as treason. Her righteous outrage would be amusing if it weren’t so intellectually dishonest.


