
Mobile on the Strand for food and fresh air

Special to The Times

‘TIS the season for social encounters and dating rituals to begin their westward migration. And with yellow striped umbrellas, an ocean view and a menu that includes mimosas, Martha’s for lunch is the ideal start to an L.A. beach date. Afterward, take a languid bike ride up the coast, breathing in the salt-breeze calm of the beach cities.

The grill, a 10-minute walk from the bustling Hermosa Beach Pier, is a well-known neighborhood haunt, legendary among locals for its delicious brunch and relaxed social scene.

It was well past brunch when I met my date, so we opted for sandwiches: the meaty Monte Cristo and a Copenhagen, a romaine lettuce, garlic tomato and havarti cheese medley on sourdough bread.


Between the fresh, tasty food and the lively patio, there was no need for small talk. We relished the low-stress beach vibe, sipped ice tea and people watched. Giggling teenagers in flip-flops. Moms jogging behind baby strollers. A wrinkled man in a sunhat, pulling his Labrador in a bright red wagon.

“A great way to travel,” mused an onlooker at a nearby table.

But really, who wants to waste a gorgeous afternoon lounging around? We wandered down the Strand a few blocks to a bike rental spot.

Closed? A sign on the door read: “9-6, Most days.”

“It’s got to be great to choose which days you work,” my date said. Agreed.

Luckily, another rental nearby had plenty of cruisers, one-speed bikes perfect for gliding along the flat pavement of the Strand, the promenade that weaves through the beach towns.

There was plenty of scenery on the one-mile jaunt to Manhattan Beach, flanked by the ocean on the left and a wall of homes to the right. Just past Manhattan, the path empties of walkers, joggers and in-line skaters. When we reached the dunes, we paused, mesmerized by the brilliant blue and green of hang gliders’ wings. They stumbled through the sand, then effortlessly soared into the air.

On the way back, my date suggested a stop at the Manhattan Beach Creamery. Perfect. Who can refuse a scoop of mint chocolate chip?

Inside, faded photographs lined the walls, bygone images without the bustle, but somehow, still the same beachy calm.



The tab

Lunch $24.03

What: Two sandwiches, ice tea, and curly fries, Martha’s 22nd Street Grill, 25 22nd St., Hermosa Beach. (310) 376-7786

Bikes $14.00

What: two beach cruisers, one with a basket ($7 each per hour), Hermosa Cyclery, 20 13th St., Hermosa Beach. (310) 374-7816

Ice cream $5.90

What: One scoop each, mint chocolate chip and peanut butter, Manhattan Beach Creamery, 1120 Manhattan Ave., Manhattan Beach (310) 372-1155

Parking $2.00

Total $45.93
