
New development fees won’t ease air pollution

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Re “Region to Step Up War Against Smog,” Oct. 11

The South Coast Air Quality Management District’s goal of reducing air pollution in the region is laudable and supported by most. However, adding fees to new developments is counterproductive to regional goals.

Making homes even more expensive to build would result in even higher prices, pushing affordability further out of reach and further pushing home buyers to the cheaper, outlying areas of the region. The increased commute times and resulting increased smog is not what the AQMD or any of us wants.

While the mayor of Los Angeles and other regional leaders are working to improve housing affordability and reduce drive times, a fee on new development would accomplish just the opposite. More and better mass transit, and placing the burden of smog control on those who directly generate it, is sound policy. Further burdening developers and home buyers is not the way to go.



Pacific Palisades
