
The threat from Iran


Re “Beyond preemption,” Opinion, Dec. 8

Matthew Yglesias offers up the most convoluted liberal contradiction in recent memory. He writes that according to the National Intelligence Estimate, Iran has no active nuclear weapons program. And yet he claims the Bush preemption doctrine “encourages countries to acquire weapons of mass destruction to defend themselves.” I can only assume he left out a key word. The sentence should read: The Bush preemption doctrine “encourages countries not to acquire weapons of mass destruction to defend themselves.” Based on the actions of Iran, the Bush doctrine appears to be working.

Mike Armstrong

Los Angeles


I was comforted to read Yglesias’ article assuring us that Iran no longer poses a nuclear threat. At least, that’s what he -- and everyone else -- seems to have gleaned from the recent National Intelligence Estimate. I have just a few lingering questions: Has Iran stopped enriching uranium? Have its 3,000 centrifuges stopped spinning? And, if the answer to the above questions is no, why is everyone celebrating?

Paul Naumann

Tacoma, Wash.
