
Johnny Depp tops signature list

From the Associated Press

Want an autograph from Johnny Depp? Chances are, he’ll sign something for you -- and not be a jerk about it.

The 44-year-old actor is the most gracious celebrity -- for the third year in a row -- on Autograph magazine’s annual list of the “10 Best and 10 Worst Hollywood Signers.”

The magazine said editors compiled input from autograph-collecting judges based in Europe, New York and California in ranking the celebs.


Matt Damon is second on the list, followed by George Clooney, Jack Nicholson, Rosario Dawson, John Travolta, Katherine Heigl, Jay Leno, Dakota Fanning and Russell Crowe.

Will Ferrell is deemed the worst celebrity signer, followed by Tobey Maguire, Joaquin Phoenix, William Shatner, Renee Zellweger, John Malkovich, Julie Andrews, Bruce Willis, Teri Hatcher and Scarlett Johansson.

However, “keep in mind that even the best signers don’t sign sometimes, the worst sometimes do, and that just because they’re on the worst list doesn’t mean they’re bad people,” the magazine said.
