
A closer look at Huckabee


Re “For a new Huckabee, old positions evolve,” Dec. 11

Mike Huckabee’s new immigration proposal makes me feel that politicians think American voters are stupid. According to his novel idea, illegal workers would have to register with federal authorities and leave the country within 120 days. If they don’t register and leave the country, they would be deported and not be allowed to reenter legally for at least 10 years. How many undocumented immigrants would register and leave voluntarily? None.

Why? Undocumented immigrants have a big advantage -- nobody knows who or where they are. Why would anybody expect them to make themselves known and make deportation easier? The country would have the same problem under that nonsense law that it has today: 12 million undocumented immigrants in the shadows who the authorities will not be able to round up and deport. Immigration laws are a mess, but the solution needs to be smart, honest and integral, not hysterical rhetoric to make a bunch of radical conservatives happy.

Jorge Delgado



Re “Make science part of the debate,” Opinion, Dec. 12

Lawrence Krauss and Chris Mooney call on the presidential candidates to say where they stand on specific science-related issues. This could shed a bright light on the policy decisions of our future president. Huckabee avows a belief in “biblical inerrancy,” which holds that the Bible is not only infallible in matters of faith and practice but in history and science. This is undoubtedly reassuring to a number of his supporters.


One has to wonder whether he would, if elected, appoint as secretary of Education someone who believes that the Earth is less than 10,000 years old?

Darrell Manderscheid

Fountain Valley
