
Let the neck bend a little

Karen Voight can be reached at

Here are two simple exercises to relax and stretch your neck muscles. Practicing them on a regular basis will help circulation in that area and, over time, contribute to improved posture. Neck stretches should not create pain, so remember to move gently and slowly.

1. Sit on the floor or a mat with your legs crossed in front of you and your weight evenly distributed. Inhale and stretch your spine upward through the crown of your head. Place your left arm at your side with your fingertips reaching toward the floor. On an exhale, allow your head to tilt toward your right shoulder. Use your right hand to gently press your head away from your left shoulder. Hold and relax for several breaths. Repeat on the other side.

2. Sit on the floor or a mat with your legs crossed in front of you and your weight evenly distributed. Inhale and stretch your spine upward through the crown of your head. Place both hands behind your head, and on an exhale, gently drop your chin toward your chest. Keep your sternum lifted as you point your elbows toward the floor. Use the weight of your arms to gently encourage the back of your neck to stretch. Do not allow your back to round forward as you hold for several breaths.


-- Karen Voight
