
No place in art for smoking limits


Re “Hollywood set to filter on-screen smoking,” May 11

As a former smoker, I recognize the health issues involved. I understand 100% the need for education and parental and peer support to deter children from taking up the habit. But regulating an art form suggests that writers, artists and entertainers are in our employ as parents and teachers, not as writers, artists and entertainers.

Why not rate films with an R that depict teenagers drinking Coca-Cola, which contains high fructose corn syrup? Or, dear me, eating bacon for breakfast, which is against certain religious practices? Where exactly does it stop? Perhaps we should cease to create art and literature and leave that to the Europeans. Art is not a place for politicians and lobbyists to stand on their soapboxes and dictate how artists express themselves. Is your child smoking? It is because you didn’t do your job -- not because the kid thinks Brad Pitt is cool.


Los Angeles
