
Remembering Robert Goulet

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Re “Robert Goulet, 73; singer became overnight star in musical ‘Camelot,’ ” obituary, Oct. 31

About 30 years ago, my wife Linda and I were vacationing in Puerto Vallarta, and my wife developed severe lower abdominal pain without any of the other symptoms of food poisoning. We went to the local hospital, and she was diagnosed with appendicitis. They wanted to operate immediately. Hesitant to have such an operation in a foreign country in a then-small town, we promptly went to the airport for a flight home.

All the upcoming flights to Los Angeles and Burbank were full. No seats. My wife was in great pain. What to do?


Robert Goulet, booked in first class on the next flight to Los Angeles, volunteered his seat to my wife, and she flew home alone and went straight to the hospital. By the time I got home, she’d had her operation and was fine. The doctors told us she would have possibly died had there been any further delay.

That was the kind of man Goulet was, and we never really got to thank him.

Alan V. Weinberg

Woodland Hills


Goulet was “the man with the golden voice.” He could seemingly do it all, as he appeared in plays, movies and for a while had his own TV show in addition to frequently making guest appearances and starring in television specials.

His soothing, harmonious voice will certainly be missed.

Kenneth L. Zimmerman

Huntington Beach
