
Schwarzenegger and fundraising


Re “Gone to the Gray side,” editorial, Nov. 21

So The Times is dismayed to learn that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is having a field day collecting big fundraising bucks.

Schwarzenegger is not a populist. His professional background is playacting, and his personal life consists of associating with the rich and powerful. Before running for office, he showed little evidence of self-denial or community responsibility. Yet you were taken in by his laughable no-fundraising, I’ll-balance-the-budget promises.

As a Hollywood icon, Schwarzenegger knows precisely how to use the media to his advantage. Too bad a sophisticated news source like The Times was so slow to catch on.


Bonnie Sloane

Los Angeles


How ironic it is to read the editorial criticizing the effect of campaign fundraising on governance, and in particular the broken promises of the governor. This is the same Times that recommended a “no” vote on last year’s Proposition 89, which would have limited the role of special interests in campaign financing. Although The Times’ criticism of the proposition held some merit, it’s hard for me to imagine that the citizens of California wouldn’t be better off if it had passed. Please watch your recommendations next time around.

James Loewen

Santa Monica
