
No justice in closing convent


Re “Facing their convent’s closure,” Sept. 7

I am outraged that the Los Angeles Roman Catholic Archdiocese will sell off the Santa Barbara convent of the nuns who have served the community for so many years, thus depriving more people in their time of need. It is egregious enough that many religious women were deprived of Social Security and sometimes salaries by the church, but now must pay for the sins of the pedophile priests and the high-ranking officials with a history of protecting these sickos.

This is not just a blight on the church’s record but another shameful chapter in our nation’s history. Religious women built thousands of schools and hospitals in this country and continue to serve the most fragile among us: the poor, elderly, the sick and the helpless. There is something wrong in our society as a whole when we treat saviors with so little regard.

Nonie Newton-Breen

Agoura Hills


How many priest rectories are being closed also?

Kathryn Clarke

Santa Barbara


How sad that the archdiocese is going to sell the nuns’ home in order to help fund the sex abuse settlement. Clearly the nuns have helped people with works of charity and justice. This eviction by the archdiocese is neither.


Lenore N. Dowling

Los Angeles
