
Who cleans up mess left by workers?

Inman News

Question: My building management installed new copper piping. Upon completion of the job, my apartment was a mess and some of my personal items were damaged. Who is responsible?

Answer: When a landlord repairs or improves a rented space, it’s up to the landlord to clean up properly. But your landlord may not know about the mess, so having a word with the owner would be the place to start. Doubtless you have cleaned up by now, so request reimbursement of your time, plus cleaning materials. Base the hourly rate on what a cleaning service would charge.

As for your damaged belongings, a reputable contractor should have insurance or a bond to cover the claim. The landlord’s liability insurance also should cover it. Write letters to the landlord and the contractor describing what was damaged and what it will cost to repair or replace the items.


-- Janet Portman, Inman News


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