
The president-elect

Joel Pett is the Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist of the Lexington Herald-Leader. His work also appears in USA Today.

Cartoonists everywhere stared at blank paper over the last few days, trying to coax an image worthy of the unprecedented news events. We etched endless Honest Abes (smiling, giving the thumbs-up, fist-bumping) and dreamed up myriad Martin Luther King Jr. images, all the while thinking one thing: History! (OK, two things ... Pulitzer Prize!) David Horsey produced a dramatic freedom-road-to-the-White-House. Mike Luckovich gave it the old multifaceted collage try. And Matt Davies tried to take the edge off the president-elect’s meteoric rise with his fiscal fireball. Thanks a lot, Matt ... you couldn’t wait until inauguration day?

-- Joel Pett
