
Jockeying for control


Re “A power struggle in the House,” Nov. 7

I applaud Rep. Henry A. Waxman’s effort to take control of the House Energy and Commerce Committee from Rep. John D. Dingell of Michigan.

Dingell has been a toady of the auto industry for his entire career and has contributed significantly to the sorry state of our Big Three by fighting needed efficiency measures that would have made them competitive. Now we read that GM, Chrysler and Ford are on death’s door, with hundreds of thousands of jobs on the line.

Waxman deserves to chair the committee, and Americans deserve to have him as chair.

Paul Scott

Santa Monica


It would be a big mistake to simultaneously remove Chairman Dingell, who has effectively steered some great legislation through his committee over the years, and have Waxman leave his critical post at the Oversight and Government Reform Committee.


The American people have been waiting eight years for a responsive president. It would be a shame if his agenda could not get through Congress. We need Dingell’s experience now more than ever.

Neil Kramer

