
The fevered health debate

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Re “ ‘Reality’ at issue in health debate,” Aug. 11

This whole feel-good “town hall” thing is sickening. The Obama administration’s mind is made up; nobody is going to leave the forum of “spirited debate” and say, “Gee, I wish I’d thought of that. Thank you for enlightening me.”

Sometimes it is better to do nothing than rush to address problems that are both real and imagined. Problems have a way of solving themselves over time.

We would be better off today, for instance, if major banks and two out of the Big Three automakers had simply been allowed to declare bankruptcy earlier. Wall Street partied like it was 1999 after the bailouts funneled billions of tax dollars into their coffers, yet banks still face an uncertain future.


There is nothing worth going trillions of dollars into debt over. There is, however, a growing government credibility crisis.

Richard Deight



Re “Separating facts from the fiction,” Q & A, Aug. 10

This clear, straightforward report that addresses features in proposed healthcare legislation that have generated ridiculously twisted misinformation was a breath of fresh air. Trouble is, it should have run on the front page, not buried inside the newspaper.

If cable and network television acted responsibly, they’d repeat its content as often as they repeat footage of town hall disruptions.


Joanne Hedge



If a group of pea-brains organized to deprive me of rational discourse by shouting and intimidation, or if a group of nitwit activists put out blatant lies like the one claiming that proposed healthcare reform includes government-encouraged suicide, I’d vote against their party just on principle, if not the obscenity of their tactics.

Jules Brenner

