
Seeking answers about autism


Re “A dose of reality on autism,” editorial, Feb. 25

The court decision that additives in the measles vaccine do not cause autism may not be the final word on the issue.

As history has shown, officials tend to downplay beliefs of parents or other nonprofessionals. But parents have brought needed attention to this important issue, and the demand now should be that government and the pharmaceutical industry dedicate adequate resources to the discovery of any and all possible environmental causes for autism.

The age of the father as part of the incidence ratio does not explain the epidemic status of the condition.


Kjersten Jeppesen

Sun City


The Times’ editorial covers a number of issues involved with this condition, including the surge of autism cases over the last 20 years or so. But, as in all other discussions of the disease that I have read, I did not see one universally overlooked possibility.

As a practicing veterinarian for many years, I learned early on to limit the number of vaccines given on any one occasion; otherwise, I would frequently be treating that animal for illness within just a few days after the vaccines were given.

In today’s hurry-up world, small children are often given three or more vaccines in one office call, yet this possible cause is almost never mentioned in writings dealing with the subject.

Why is that? Is it just too obvious?

Bud Stuart

Santa Barbara
