
FDA counts rodents -- and pounces


It’s no secret that the public health regulatory apparatus is stretched thin in many places, perhaps no component more so than the woefully understaffed food inspection side of the Food and Drug Administration.

But say this for the FDA food police: When they do get around to looking a place over, they pay loving attention to detail.

Acting on a court order sought by the FDA, U.S. marshals today seized an estimated $700,000 worth of adulterated rice and other food packaged in (unfortunately) permeable containers in an Atlanta area warehouse operated by Sun Hong Kai Holding Inc., doing business as United Food Service.


The proximate cause?

28 live rodents,
one dead rodent,
apparent rodent droppings,
26 apparent rodent gnaw holes in multiple packages of food products,
rodent urine stains on food packaging
4 rodent nesting sites.

Rice balls, anyone? You can read the FDA announcement of the seizure here.
