
A meeting of the minds

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Billionaire Nicolas Berggruen has assembled veteran policymakers, business leaders and activists for his Think Long Committee for California. They are:

David Bonderman, partner at the investment firm TGP Capital

Eli Broad, Los Angeles developer and philanthropist

Willie Brown, former Assembly speaker and San Francisco mayor

Gray Davis, former governor

Maria Elena Durazo, executive secretary-treasurer of the L.A. County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO

Matt Fong, former state treasurer

Antonia Hernandez, CEO of California Community Foundation

Bob Hertzberg, former Assembly speaker

Gerald Parsky, partner at the investment firm Aurora Capital Group

Condoleezza Rice, former secretary of State

Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google

George Schultz, former secretary of State

Terry Semel, CEO of Windsor Media

Laura Tyson, professor at the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley

Source: Berggruen Institute
