
Obama on Jimmy Fallon: Top moments with ‘POTUS with the most-est’

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President Obama has given a lot of major speeches. But never before has he punctuated one by dropping the microphone after, like he did Tuesday night on “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” (watch videos below).

It’s the rhetorical equivalent of the end zone dance in the NFL, and came after Obama joined the NBC host in “slow-jamming” the news. And it was just one of the standout moments from the president’s latest foray into late night television.

Photos: The search for Romney’s running mate

Obama’s appearance was part of his weeklong messaging effort to press Congress to extend lower interest rates for some student loan programs. And there was some serious talk about the policy push, but more than a few lighter moments. Perhaps a warm-up for his routine at this Saturday’s annual White House Correspondents Assn. dinner?


Here are some of the others:

Mitt who?: Obama had very little to say about his likely Republican rival, Mitt Romney.

Asked what he’d say to the former Massachusetts governor if they ran into each other, he offered simply: “I’d say, ‘Hey, Mitt.’”

“I’ve met him. But we’re not friends. He seems like somebody who cares deeply about his family, and his wife is lovely,” he added.

Smoke-free: In the last segment, Fallon posed some questions that were asked on Twitter. The first was from a user named “Bobo Brian,” which immediately set off alarm bells. “I woke up wondering what Bobo was thinking,” he joked.


The question: “Due to economic pressures the influence on voters could likely see…oh forget it. Are you going to legalize weed or what?”

The short answer: no. The longer answer involved treating the drug problem not only as a law enforcement issue but a public health issue.

And then came this revelation, when it came to smoking tobacco: The president is now officially smoke-free. “I’m all done.” No patches necessary.


The presidential man cave: Fallon’s first question to Obama was about life in the White House with all those women -- First Lady Michelle Obama, and daughters Malia and Sasha. “Completely surrounded,” Obama said. “It’s basically me and Bo. And sometimes they pick on both of us at the same time.”

“What do you do, you and Bo? You get together, you go to the presidential man cave?” Fallon asked.

“We go to the man cave. We turn on SportsCenter. We have a couple beers,” Obama said.

Asked what he watches for laughs, Obama dated himself with “Groundhog Day” -- a movie about a man forced to relive the same day over and over again (how about that?).

“Which I realize came out before these guys were born,” he said, pointing to the audience of UNC students.

College days: But it wasn’t so long ago Obama was himself a college student. Fallon showed a picture of the president in his college days, smirking at the camera. “I want you to notice the afro,” Obama said. He also joked about his Goodwill-purchased jacket, futon couch and the likely milk crate table.

That spurred him to make his policy pitch on higher education, talking about the need for students to go to college and the challenge of paying for it. He noted that he and Michelle were paying student loans for 10 years after their marriage.


“We didn’t finish paying off all of our student loans until about eight years ago. Eight years ago. And now I’m president of the United States. So it worked out for us,” he said.

The 140-character pitch: Another Twitter question was from a father who wanted to know what he should tell his teenage children about why he’d vote for him. Obama wanted to respond on Twitter, and so he went for pithy: “Let’s move forward, not backward. I believe in young people and I’m going to fight for you.”

For the record, that’s 93 characters. But Obama continued on after that, though, and joked that he’d probably have included a link to a Facebook post to give the full sales pitch.

Here are clips of the president’s appearance:

Original source: Obama on Jimmy Fallon: Top moments with ‘POTUS with the most-est’
