
Bryce Hall, World-Famous Influencer, Joins Cause-Based Pet Food Company Dog For Dog

(Photo courtesy of Bryce Hall)

Hall Joins Celeb Partners Michael Buble and Snoop Dogg and Founder Ryan Kavanaugh to Support Healthy Food For Dogs, Saving Shelter Pets

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Dog For Dog was the first company to launch a one-For-one dog product, its initial slogan was “you buy one, we give one.” Dog For Dog quickly became a household name – carried in over 10,000 retailers and donated over 1 million pounds of dog food to shelters and dogs in need – with a goal of reaching 5 million pounds total.

Dog For Dog was founded in 2011 by “The Billion Dollar Producer” Ryan Kavanaugh and was shortly thereafter Michael Bublé and Snoop Dogg joined as partners. The three shared a vision to create the healthiest, highest quality dog food and dog products, while also ending the euthanasia of dogs in animal shelters. Snoop Dogg has 11 rescue dogs. Michael Bublé and his wife Luisana Lopilato, a well-known actress from Argentina, have helped over 50,000 rescue dogs in her home country.

The three partners are now increasing their reach and awareness to the new first time dog owners by adding Bryce Hall as a partner.

Since its launch, the company has received numerous awards and accolades, including Best in Show at the Global Pet Expo, an award only given to the best of the best products in the dog world as well as being named the fastest-growing pet food company in North America by Inc. magazine and many others notable awards and accolades.

Because of its celebrity partners and cause-based focus, Dog For Dog could be considered as much a movement as a company – a movement where people around the world come together and make lasting change in the lives of millions of dogs. By creating original content, both its celeb partners and others who are just dog lovers created funny, sometimes ribald long- and short-form content bringing attention to the company’s mission.

It led to Dog For Dog becoming the fastest growing one-for-one dog product company, whose brand has had over 300 million organic page views and a loyal recurring fan base.

(Courtesy of Dog For Dog)

Celebrities started making fun videos like this to help extend the Dog For Dog cause – it has been watched over 30 million times, and has over 100 million impressions.

Dog For Dog also created, produced and distributed a television show called “Save Our Shelter (SOS)” where the Dog For Dog team sought out shelters in need of a revamp and financial help. The Dog For Dog team would show up, “extreme makeover” style, rebuild the shelter, and offer a lifetime supply of dog food. For two years in a row it was number one in its time slot, and Dog For Dog is currently working on season three.

With a plethora of “all-natural”, “grain free,” “gluten free” “insert fad du jour here” dog products available today, it seems a dog owner can pretty much grab any dog food and find a high-quality food whose products are “top shelf,” right?

Wrong. In fact the very opposite is true. Pet food is not considered food and not regulated like food. It is considered “feed.”

The scary secret is that most of the time the food is made from the byproducts of animals that were already killed or dead for other reasons. Some experts argue that over 50% of pet food sold in the United States is rancid or has dangerous chemicals present to keep it from going rancid.

As Dog For Dog grew, it hired its own team of specialists with the intent of creating an even higher quality product and to do its own quality control. Dog For Dog proudly wears its badge of honor that its products are the highest quality and it makes its own bars, DogsButter, treats and its own food, called DogsFood. Included in this team were the world’s top nutritionists, vets and animal specialists.

There is little to no oversight when it comes to dog food production, leaving dogs at risk of consuming harmful and even toxic ingredients. In fact, the company discovered that the majority of commercial dog food brands contain low-quality animal by-products. The majority of big-name foods are selling products that are not fit for human consumption, and thus their meats are often sourced from rendering plants, which process animal carcasses that may contain drugs and chemicals, such as pentobarbital, which is used to euthanize animals.

In plain English, when someone buys “all-natural chicken dog food” they are in reality buying dog food made from chicken beaks, offal, feet, and whatever else was left over as a “byproduct” of the actual chicken.

According to Dr. Karen Becker, a veterinarian and expert in natural pet care, said these by-products may also contain dangerous levels of heavy metals, like lead, mercury, and cadmium, as well as contaminants like mold, bacteria and salmonella. These ingredients can cause a range of health problems in dogs, from digestive issues to chronic diseases.

Another major issue with commercial dog food is the use of artificial preservatives and additives, such as BHA, BHT, and ethoxyquin, which are used to extend the shelf life of the product. These are products human food can not have due to its known carcinogenic and/or negative health consequences of ingesting them.

After opening the dry food bag, kibble should last a few weeks so long as they are stored properly and kept closed tightly. But what about dog food sitting on store shelves?

As dog food literally goes rancid after 60-90 days on the shelf (food for thought: how many products would you ingest that had been on the shelf for 90 days or more) and the average age of a bag of dog food sold off the shelf is over 90 days, the chemicals are included so that they can keep food on shelf for longer. These chemicals used to preserve the food may cause severe illnesses and other health related problems in dogs.

Despite these concerns, the regulation of dog food production is minimal, and many pet food companies use misleading labels and marketing tactics to make their products appear healthier than they actually are. For example, the term “natural” is not regulated by the FDA, so it can be used to describe any product that contains natural ingredients, even if it also contains harmful additives.

Dog For Dog realized its mission needed to expand. It is succeeding in this mission, making a meaningful dent in the lives of shelter and pound animals, hopefully giving them a literal second shot at life, and is doubling down on those efforts.

But now that Dog For Dog had learned of this larger issue, that most dog food products, treats, butters, bars and the majority of dog food and its products are not even fit for consumption, and may be harming dogs, it needed to take a bigger step. That’s when the company made it core its mission to create and sell food and products that are not only “the highest quality, life-extending ingredients,” but making sure its product met the standards for human consumption – something no dog food had ever done before.

It succeeded: Dog For Dogs products are only made from the highest quality ingredients, they are ingredients its human owners themselves are proud to eat.

Bryce Hall, 22, has over 50 million followers across social media. His average follower is older than 18 but younger than 25. The average age people adopt or get their first dog is 22. Bryce has always been passionate about helping dogs, especially those in pounds and rescues, but after learning about Dog For Dog, he made it his responsibility to educate his peer group and his followers, and to help better the lives of dogs both in pounds and at home. Bryce approached Dog For Dog and negotiated a deal so that he became not only an investor/owner but a brand ambassador – one who is dedicated to using his following to make a difference in dogs’ lives.

“I feel it is my responsibility to help bring and expand this cause to my followers. I am blessed to have been given a voice within my generation that can help make a change and I am committed to using that voice for good here. By helping bring the best dog product to first-time dog owners and just by virtue of my generation buying Dog For Dog products, we will be doing our part: feeding our dogs the healthiest life-extending products and stopping the killings in pounds,” said Hall.

Bryce realized that his audience are mostly first time dog owners, so he wanted to make sure as part of the partnership that he had his own subdomain to help educate and connect with first-time owners. “Oftentimes, people are worried about the start up costs, and start up information of adopting – so I worked out a deal with Dog For Dog where they will send two months of free food and product for first time adopters” Bryce stated. Through, his followers will have access to special deals, discounts and one-of-a-kind products. Bryce will also offer unique content and fun, down-to-earth tips on being a good dog owner.


Dog For Dog’s diverse products include: DogsFood, DogsButter, DogsBars,, DogsTreats, DogsBud, and soon to be launched DogsBox, just to name a few. Each is specially formulated with only the highest quality ingredients and with a focus on increasing the quality and duration of each dog’s life. Of course, with every purchase of a Dog For Dog product, buyers are helping save another dog in need.

“This is literally a no-brainer. You buy the best products and food for your dogs, proven over a decade to be the best of the best and improve the quality and length of your dog’s life, while helping save another dog in need. It’s the circle of life and the responsible way of doing business,” said Hall.

“Keep your eye on Dog For Dog and Bryce’s Doghouse, as with your help we are going to be shifting an industry upside-down and help a whole lotta dogs.”
