
FTC expands kids online privacy rules [video chat]

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Technology has changed a lot in 15 years. It’s been nearly that long since the Federal Trade Commission has updated rules protecting kids’ online privacy.

The Federal Trade Commission said Wednesday that it has given parents greater control over the information that online services collect from kids 12 and under. Read Jessica Guynn’s story on the issue here.

Among the changes to the 1998 Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act: The FTC updated rules for mobile apps and made it clear that a child’s location, photographs and videos cannot be collected without a parent’s permission.


In this video chat, consumer columnist David Lazarus talks about the COPPA changes with Mark Blafkin, a spokesman for the Assn. of Competitive Technology, an organization representing app developers, and Alan Simpson, vice president of policy at Common Sense Media, an advocacy group for families.


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Follow technology writer Jessica Guynn on Twitter @jguynn
