
With Lindsay Lohan inbound, N.Y. daycare center gives parents a heads-up

Lindsay Lohan blows a kiss from the red carpet at a "Speed-the-Plow" press-night after-party last October in London. She's now down to the wire on a community service requirement linked to her 2012 crash on PCH.

Lindsay Lohan blows a kiss from the red carpet at a “Speed-the-Plow” press-night after-party last October in London. She’s now down to the wire on a community service requirement linked to her 2012 crash on PCH.

(Tristan Fewings / Getty Images)
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Lindsay Lohan is facing a tight deadline to complete her community service and avoid possible jail time, but the New York City daycare center where she will be working has to do what it’s gotta do: Warn parents that their kids may be exposed to, well, Lindsay Lohan.

Duffield Children’s Center in Brooklyn sent parents a letter on Tuesday, the day the actress had intended to start her volunteer work, the New York Daily News reported.

That’ll put off her start date until Wednesday, which means she’ll have just 11 workdays -- not counting the day of her May 28 court hearing -- to put in a little more than 115 hours toward her 125-hour total.


“Ms. Lohan has asked to return to complete her community service and may be placed in a classroom with your child,” read a letter from Duffield that was obtained by the Daily News and references time Lohan spent there while she was being filmed for her OWN docu-series. “As with any volunteer, this would be under constant supervision from the classroom teacher and Duffield staff. Please know that all requirements for this volunteer work will be met, prior to her entering the classroom.”

In addition to classroom time, the letter said, the 28-year-old will also do administrative work. The center is open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and closed on weekends.

The letter continued: “Furthermore, volunteers are never left alone with the children.”

“If she’s going to interact with the kids,” a parent of a Duffield 3-year-old told the Daily News, “maybe she should talk about the positives of her negative situation.”


One thing parents probably weren’t warned about? The couple of overeager, attention-seeking and most likely disappointed fans who, TMZ reported, showed up Tuesday morning at the center to welcome LiLo to the job.

Lohan thought she’d fulfilled the 240 community service hours that were part of a 2013 plea deal related to a 2012 car crash on Pacific Coast Highway, but in March a judge added 125 hours after rejecting a big chunk of work she’d submitted.

Los Angeles Deputy City Attorney Terry White told Radar Online that he would “absolutely” be asking for a warrant for Lohan’s arrest if she doesn’t hit the deadline.


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