
Food FYI: More memories of Julia Child on her 100th birthday

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Julia Child’s niece, Philadelphia Cousins, recalls time spent in Aunt Ju-Ju’s kitchen, now on display at the National Museum of American History. “It was not until I came to Cambridge as a freshman at Radcliffe College in 1969 that I really came to know Julia and Paul and spend time in their spacious kitchen, full of copper pots and intriguing culinary equipment and redolent of buttery, spicy, wonderful scents,” Cousins writes. [National Museum of American History]



Julie Powell, the author of “Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously,” reflects on Julia Child’s legacy: “Julia was her own brand of feminist, one who saw the kitchen not as a symbol of drudgery and female oppression but as a place of opportunity, no less potent than a boardroom, a place where women -- and men -- can exhibit rigor and individual power. She achieved all this not with manifestoes or activism but simply by dint of the way she lived.” [Los Angeles Times]


What Jacques Pepin learned from Julia Child: “We cooked with confidence and ate with gusto. Many people who saw our shows mentioned that she was the French half and I was the American half, as in the hamburger show, where she made her hamburger French-style, with sauteed onion mixed in with the meat and pan-fried, while I made mine the way I had learned at Howard Johnson’s. She taught me to be more casual and easygoing in front of the camera and to have fun as we were teaching,” Pepin writes. [New York Times]



A recipe for Julia Child’s classic roast chicken with a minced shallot pan sauce. The key is not just flipping the chicken halfway through roasting, but also in the basting with butter, oil and “the fat in the pan when the butter and oil are exhausted.” [Houston Chronicle]
