
The 50 happiest cities in America

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There are many reasons why people move to another city, such as a need for more space or for their career, their relationship, or even just a change of scenery. The Declaration of Independence guarantees every American the right to pursue happiness, and for some, that means moving to a different city because they aren’t happy where they are. After all, happiness is key to living a healthy and fulfilled life. With this in mind, we compiled a list of the 50 happiest cities in America, using data from WalletHub.

Click here for the The Happiest Cities in America gallery.

It probably won’t surprise you that many of America’s happiest cities are located on the West Coast, where sunshine abounds. In fact, 18 of the cities on this list are located in California alone! Each city’s overall ranking was determined on the basis of a number of factors, including average income, employment levels, the emotional and physical well-being of residents, as well as the overall community and environment of the city. Whether you’re looking for a joyful weekend getaway or want to move house, you should definitely start by checking out our list of the 50 happiest cities in America.
