
Why it’s time to finally get your ‘go bags’ ready in case of emergency

From tropical storms to drought and wildfires, 2017 has shown us how vulnerable we are to disasters. And some experts say it’s likely to get worse, due to climate change.

Add that to long-stated predictions that Southern California is overdue for a major quake, and it all begs the question:

Are you prepared to evacuate in case of an emergency?

A 2015 survey by Columbia University’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness found two-thirds of Americans are not.


Getting it all together can seem daunting. But here are three “go bags” we found that are designed to help one or two people survive for up to three days in case of an emergency or evacuation.

Consider it a little inspiration to begin your own emergency preparation efforts. You can also find lots of tips and checklists tailored for Southern California at and Los Angeles County’s Emergency Survival Guide.

All the go bags seen here include a first aid kit, personal hygiene items, a breathing mask, an emergency blanket, a flashlight, food packets, a water bottle, a hand crank emergency radio and duct tape. Supplies are also sold separately.


For any emergency

As volunteer firefighters, Karina and Stuart Warshaw have witnessed firsthand how ill prepared most people are for emergency evacuations. Karina is also an EMT and part of New York’s Community Emergency Response Team. After helping victims of Hurricanes Irene and Sandy, they decided to create a pack flexible enough to work in any emergency. The Vles Go Bag is designed for two people.

Karina said: “In Emergency services, you practice and practice. Make sure your go bag has everything you need.” She stressed the importance of knowing what to do and having everything in your bag, including prescriptions.

Info: $350. The Readiness Playbook, an expansive checklist that comes with its bag, is free via email to everyone.



When there’s no time to think...

Uncharted’s CEO and founder Christian Schauf said its Seventy2 Survival System is designed to do the thinking for you: Contents are printed on the interior shell to help organize and guide you when adrenaline is pumping and your mind is racing. The company consulted first responders, the military, bush pilots, doctors, mountain guides and others on the Seventy2 and cross-referenced their work with, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other emergency responders. The bag is waterproof and floats.

Info: $349.99.

For those on a budget

This American Red Cross Deluxe 3-Day Emergency Preparedness Kit should fit almost anyone’s budget. It includes a battery-powered flashlight (batteries included) and a pen light along with a 45-piece first aid kit.

Info: $99.95.

