
State Sen. Sam Blakeslee buys his top-of-the-line car from California

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Reporting from Sacramento -- Republican state Sen. Sam Blakeslee said Friday that he had reached into his own pocket to buy the luxury SUV originally purchased with public funds for his official use, including the commute between Sacramento and his San Luis Obispo district.

After ordering the $39,975 Lincoln MKZ Hybrid with heated leather seats — one of the most expensive choices by a senator during these tough economic times, it turned out — Blakeslee apparently suffered buyer’s remorse and wanted to drive something more modest. But the dealership wouldn’t take the car back.

So the Senate Rules Committee got stuck with the vehicle, using it as a high-end taxi to shuttle lawmakers to and from the airport. A quick resale was ruled out because, like all new vehicles, the Lincoln lost a considerable amount of value as soon as it was driven off the lot.


“To ensure a responsible resolution and no cost to the taxpayer, Blakeslee has personally bought the car from Senate Rules at the original purchase price,” his spokeswoman, Erin Shaw, wrote in an email to The Times on Friday.

Blakeslee is using only personal funds for the purchase, Shaw said, adding that no campaign cash or other third-party contributions are involved.
