
LAPD Twitter account hacked to declare ‘White Supremacists’

The Los Angeles Police Department main Twitter account @LAPDHQ was hacked Monday to declare the force’s members are “white supremacists.” The department’s account used to present its public image posted a tweet at 1:53 p.m. stating “lapdWHITESUPREMACISTS.”

Josh Rubenstein, the LAPD’s public information director, in a message said the department’s Twitter account had been hacked. “We are working to lock it down now.” The tweet, once noticed, was immediately removed but not before several viewers captured the image.


Readers immediately commented on the hacking. One reader asked: Hey “@LAPODHQ u Ok:” Another Twitter follower @BlueKnight257: “seriously get it together HQ! Somebody has access to twitter account!”


Twitter: @lacrimes
