
With water conservation lagging, Lady Gaga urges California to do more

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Lady Gaga has joined the effort to get Californians to conserve water during the drought. The move comes amid new numbers that show Californian are not conserving as much as officials hoped they would.

In a video for the Save Our Water campaign, above, Lady Gaga talked about a trip she took to California, where she learned about the importance of conservation.

“Do your part to save water,” she said.

Californians in general have fallen far short of meeting Gov. Jerry Brown’s January call for a 20% cut in water use. Updated results of a state board survey show that urban water use in May increased 1% statewide compared with the May average of the previous three years.


That rise was mostly driven by an 8% jump in coastal Southern California. In most other hydrologic regions, May use declined. The biggest drop was in the Sacramento River area, where it fell 13%.

Saying that it was time to increase conservation in the midst of one of the worst droughts in decades, the State Water Resources Control Board on Tuesday adopted drought regulations that give local agencies the authority to fine those who waste water up to $500 a day.
