
Donna Shalala in stable condition after suffering stroke

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Miami Herald

MIAMI _ Donna Shalala, a former Cabinet secretary and the current CEO of the Clinton Foundation, suffered a stroke Tuesday night in New York.tmpplchld On Wednesday morning, Shalala was in stable condition at Mount Sinai Roosevelt Hospital.tmpplchld Former President Bill Clinton and his daughter, Chelsea Clinton, issued a statement saying the 74-year-old Shalala was stricken Tuesday evening following a meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative, the foundation’s spin-off organization, which seeks solutions to international problems. Its 2015 meeting began Saturday in New York.tmpplchld “Fortunately she was with colleagues at the time and taken to the hospital for treatment,” Bill and Chelsea Clinton said. “Initial reports are very encouraging.”tmpplchld She was alert and making jokes in the hospital, The New York Times reported.tmpplchld Shalala took over at the Clinton Foundation this year. She served eight years as Health and Human Services secretary while Clinton was president from 1993 to 2001. She also was the president of the University of Miami, stepping down from her post in June after 14 years. tmpplchld Social media was filled with well-wishers expressing support for Shalala on Wednesday.tmpplchld “Prayers go out to my friend Donna Shalala ... get well soon,” tweeted CNN commentator Paul Begala, who also advises a pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC.tmpplchld In a statement released Wednesday, current University of Miami President Julio Frenk said Shalala’s prognosis is “encouraging.”tmpplchld “We are in continuous contact with her physicians in New York. She received the best and most advanced care, and her prognosis is now encouraging,” Frenk said. “President Shalala is beloved and respected by thousands of Miami Hurricanes family and friends around the world, and we are very hopeful for her speedy recovery.”tmpplchld tmpplchld tmpplchld ___tmpplchld (c)2015 Miami Heraldtmpplchld Visit Miami Herald at www.miamiherald.comtmpplchld Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.tmpplchld
