
Text Analysis: Measuring the Mayor’s Words

CHARTER CAMPUS: Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa delivers address at the Accelerated School on Tuesday, and advocated making Los Angeles the “greenest and cleanest big city in America.”
CHARTER CAMPUS: Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa delivers address at the Accelerated School on Tuesday, and advocated making Los Angeles the “greenest and cleanest big city in America.”
(Lawrence K. Ho / LAT)

This keyword cloud analyzes the text of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's first State of the City speech, delivered April 18.

What are keyword clouds? You've seen these on Flickr and some blogging sites. They list commonly-occurring words in a body of text, giving greater visual weight to those that appear more often. They're used for distilling a large amount of text into something that can be processed in a glance. Of course, they lack any kind of context, but who needs that? (We're kidding.)

Hold your mouse over a word for a moment to see how many times it appeared in the text of the speech.

State of the City Address
April 18, 2006
[full text]
Length: 3,587 words
